Opus X
Puff Daddy
I purchased this site and the software for a very low price of $25.
That included a period of free hosting and the script with two plug ins.
But after running it for a short while and participating on the Xenforo site I think I and the developers of it are of a different mindset.
I think that it should offer more for the users of it.
The developers apparently think it is more important to give precedence to developers and leave the end users hanging in the wind and if wanting more open your wallet.
I do have a problem with that philosophy as it is severely short sighted to me.
Part of my view is based upon the fact that I don't have a steady income so the more I can get from my software itself the better.
If I have to start looking at buying outside plug-ins or add-ons that can get expensive and this site makes no money.
I know the guy that i purchased this software from was of the same mindset.
In fact so much so that his calling out the developers for what he considered their stupidity resulted in him being banned from their support site after being active on it for over a decade.
To me, that indicates a massive issue with developers when someone who has been a support of your software for over 10 years gets what some would call loud and then banned.
I honestly would not recommend anyone to look at Xenforo for any more than a simple forum script.
From my short time of using it, it is readily seems that they currently do not care what they offer the site members.
They concentrate on what developers want or can offer and often at an additional cost to that site admin.
It appears to be all about control and not paying attention to what their customers want.
It is their way or the highway and your users are not important to them.
So, I am looking at other software.
This is your chance to vote for the forward momentum of the site.
That included a period of free hosting and the script with two plug ins.
But after running it for a short while and participating on the Xenforo site I think I and the developers of it are of a different mindset.
I think that it should offer more for the users of it.
The developers apparently think it is more important to give precedence to developers and leave the end users hanging in the wind and if wanting more open your wallet.
I do have a problem with that philosophy as it is severely short sighted to me.
Part of my view is based upon the fact that I don't have a steady income so the more I can get from my software itself the better.
If I have to start looking at buying outside plug-ins or add-ons that can get expensive and this site makes no money.
I know the guy that i purchased this software from was of the same mindset.
In fact so much so that his calling out the developers for what he considered their stupidity resulted in him being banned from their support site after being active on it for over a decade.
To me, that indicates a massive issue with developers when someone who has been a support of your software for over 10 years gets what some would call loud and then banned.
I honestly would not recommend anyone to look at Xenforo for any more than a simple forum script.
From my short time of using it, it is readily seems that they currently do not care what they offer the site members.
They concentrate on what developers want or can offer and often at an additional cost to that site admin.
It appears to be all about control and not paying attention to what their customers want.
It is their way or the highway and your users are not important to them.
So, I am looking at other software.
This is your chance to vote for the forward momentum of the site.