This site


Was set up more as a test bed... I'm not currently active in the pipe smoking arena now (I'm more into astrophotography) so this site, as a forum, is going to be brought down and the license sold to a friend of mine. I may resurrect this site as a WordPress site or similar... or maybe even go with one of the free forum scripts to get more exposure to.

In the mean time my fellow briar fiends.. puff in peace!
Actually... thanks to Tracy, I am purchasing the site itself, with license and content as it exists now.
I am planning to extend the site into the area of cigars also. I enjoy both and there are not that many sites I have found that allow both to be addressed at one place.
Tracy had several add-ons enabled on this site that I don't currently have licenses for. Once I can get the funds together, they will be installed and configured again. This will be a slow process as I accumulate the necessary funds to purchase them.
I will warn in advance, Tracy ran the site free of ads and such.
I will be looking at a process of monetizing the site to help support itself at the minimum.
I do not currently know what that process will be, but whatever we go with will not be overly intrusive.
I am looking forward to making this site what people who enjoy both pipes and cigars can use to get together and learn more from each other.
We have a new home!
We have moved the site over to it's own VPS server to save some space for @Tracy on his site server.
He has been kind enough to agree to maintain and finance the new server for us. I do want to thank him for this. I realize he is testing a new VPS provider out, but it also allows us our own space to grow in. I hope that this company is good as some reviews I had read were hesitant to recommend them.
One thing I have found with the Contabo server is their disk throughput is slower than the Hetzner instance this site was running on.
For now that won't make a major difference, but if the site starts getting busy it may become laggy and other options will have to be investigated and pursued.
I was wondering about that. It does seem like sometimes when I am in the control panel there are some pauses that occur every now and then.
So far I have not seen it affecting the site that much. But since I use TOR browser all sites seem slower to me also depending on which exit node is being used.
I notice this on all sites I visit though, especially those using CloudFlare.
Yeah, it does not affect my blog site that also runs on this VPS instance that much.
As we discussed, if it does start negatively impacting your site, you may need to start looking at another hosting platform to support it.
Unless my sites are badly impacted by Contabo's services, I probably will not be moving them. So you will need to decide if you can live with the issues until I get torqued enough to move to another VPS or if you want to purchase your own hosting.
As I've told you several times, I have no problems with hosting your site on one of my VPS instances as most of mine don't utilize near the resources that I provision for them.
I am debating on whether to keep the site online now.
My health is getting where I have less time to participate here and on other sites.
I may be having to go through that operation we discussed and that will put me out of the loop for several months while I recuperate and learn to walk again.
I hate to hear this dude.
I know you were looking forward to trying to make this an income resource, but you need to concentrate on your health first. If there is anything I can do to help you know my number and I'm always available.
It's a good thing that you didn't jump off of XenForo into another script right now. At least with XenForo if you do decide to get out of the game you can sell your license (after renewing it) for substantially more than you paid for it. You should easily be able to make some profit after renewing and then selling it with the add-ons that it has equipped with it.
I really don't want to sell it as i hope that i can make a go of it.
Got to head to bed. The meds are kicking in full force and i want to get my best benefit of them.
Thanks for the kind words and offer.
I will be out of pocket for at least a few days and possibly a week or more.
Until then Tracy has agreed to keep watch here.
If you have any questions reach out to to him.
He is been given the ability to make decisions for this site short of shutting down and selling it.
Once I am back I will determine if I will be keeping this site active or selling it off.
I realize this may scare new users off if the site is going to stay going or not.
My main wish is to keep it going but I cannot promise that right now.
@Opus X, I will continue to help with what I can. The hosting is not an issue and I will try to do minimal impact other than moderating obvious spam here while you are out of pocket.
Please, concentrate on yourself and not this site nor on the games that some of the idiots over on the Xenforo site are playing. Your primary concern should be yourself and not some valueless turds that like to poke at others.
Thanks @Tracy. You have been a great friend over the 20 years (shit, that sounds bad and like a lot) that I have known you.
I do not pay attention to what amounts to bitches whining as you well know.
I have been a Padawan to your tutoring for years.
It seems that you your attitude and speaking skills have rubbed off on me and seems to irritate others.
In the end results, I really don't care what others say.
The opinion of my friends are more important.
Again, thank you for being their through the good and the bad.
I could not ask for more in a brother of the weed as the hobbits refer to it.
You are the one that got me into pipes when I was so centered on cigars.
So thanks!
@Opus X is still having some issues so he's not been able (or really not felt like it) getting back online.
And I hate to say that I've been somewhat neglectful of the site as far as participation goes as I've been rather busy myself.
I have been in conversation with @Opus X and he is still not where he feels that he is in a place he can continue to participate here. I have told him I will continue to monitor the site as staff, but as far as participation and such, my own site keeps me busy. He has not made a final decision yet if he desires to continue this site, move the script over to a niche he also enjoys or to turn it back over to me since he purchased it from me and this is a hobby both he and I participate in.
Hopefully by then new year he will have decided. Meanwhile, I will monitor the site and participate when (and where) I can.
Guys and gals my intent is to try to continue to make this site viable.
But unluckily I currently cannot participate at the level that I would like or that is really needed.
But please, give us a chance. I still have desires to make this site a viable place for those that love that nasty tobacco somewhere safe to come to.
I would encourage this... which you already know since we talked about it.
I've mentioned the site name in one of the Reddit forums related to pipes the other night. I did not link to it because the rules in that sub prohibits referral links. And I was not sure if they were talking about referrals to other sites or to vendors that the referrer gets financial benefit from.
Hopefully some of the people reading that thread might take the time to do a search. If they search on The Pipe Stand Forum, your site should pop up near the top.
Recently @Tracy and I entered into a financial partnership for this site.
He was already providing the website space to host it, but now he is officially a minor investor.
He is providing certain technical support, the hosting environment and a few other odds and ends that frees up the pressure on me.
He was already assisting with moderation and administration of this site for free but this way he is also providing some much-needed financial support.
Nothing much other for the site has changed other than if I become unable to maintain it, he will assume ownership of it.
Thanks to @Tracy we now have several new areas on the site.
They are the articles, classifieds, link directory and reviews.
Please feel free to make use of them.
No tobacco products are to be posted for sale on the site and especially not in the classifieds. Doing so will result in loss of posting permission.