How old were you when you tried smoking for the first time?


Well, I was 15 years old when I tried to smoke for the first time. I certainly was underage but I was influenced by my friends. We had a gathering of boys and some of them who had smoked earlier encouraged us to try it. When I tried, I had a bought of cough. How old were you when you tried first time?
I was around 19 when I got exposed to my first tobacco.
It was a cigar and it was what got me hooked on them.
I started dipping when I was around 13. Did it until I was around 25 then decided to stop.
Picked up cigars when I was around 50 then progressed to pipes about 3 years later.
I started smoking when I was 14 years old. I didn't smoke for a long time and stopped until I was 19 before I started smoking actively. I'm in my late 30's and I'm considering stopping permanently.
I started smoking at a very young age and the reason is because of how my parents were smoking freely in house and that influenced how fast I was exposed to smoking. I think it should be around when I was 11 years old that I started giving it a try.