I really miss the Dunhill lines of tobacco. I realize that Peterson took several of them over, and they are being made on the same machines, but they left out several lines of the Dunhill choices that the faithful miss.
I know the brand. When I was a kid, it was very popular. However, over the years, a lot of tobacco factories were set up and the locally made tobacco replaced the imported brands like Dunhill.
I think Dunhill saw the writing on the wall in countries like here in the US with lawsuits against tobacco manufacturers. It was probably wise of them to get out of it even though pipe smoking is not a major past time any longer here in the States. They licensed their name to other manufacturers. That way they got some income but had nothing to do with getting their hands "dirty" in the making and selling of the product.
A lot of people do not know that Dunhill even sold a line of cigars under their name.
I find it funny how sought after Dunhill pipes are.
I have one and it is OK.
I have other pipes that are as good and some that are better.
And they did not cost what the Dunhill did.
I do miss a few of their tobaccos though.
From what I read the tobaccos that Peterson did keep were still being made in the same factory?
I was tempted to purchase a Dunhill. But after burning through the bottom of one of my more expensive (and favorite) pipes I decided it's not worth spending a bunch of money on something I can't really enjoy without worrying about damaging it eventually.
Their wood is not much different than any other briar.
Dunhill cigarettes was rebranded under "Parker & Simpson" if I remembered it right. It was shame that its pipe tobacco lines had to be discontinued in 2018.