Chewing tobacco


In my part of the world, chewing tobacco is very common. Some people like to chew unprocessed tobacco leaves (dried and crushed) where as some people like to mix tobacco with calcium bicarbonate and then put it in the mouth. There are even ready to chew tobacco products. By the way have you ever tried chewing tobacco.
Does it count if you are chewing on the end of your cigar?
I have seen many older people that do this and never smoke the cigar. :eek:
I do not know whey they don't buy chewing tobacco instead.

But for me I have never been into chewing or dipping.
I haven't chewed on tobacco but weed. I wouldn't feel anything from chewing tobacco which is why I don't do it but whenever I chew any Cannabis strain, I feel it immediately.
Unfortunately, I don't see any good reason why I should be chewing the tobacco when I know it is something that I can smoke and enjoy it better.
Unfortunately, I don't see any good reason why I should be chewing the tobacco when I know it is something that I can smoke and enjoy it better.
Chewing tobacco (known as smokeless tobacco) has its benefits at times. When I'm working on flammable substances/material I really don't want an open flame going, and just being able to spit is safer. :)
Each type of tobacco has its place. Currently if I am around flammable stuff I just don't use any tobacco, but back in the day I kept a can of Copenhagen in the pocket or a pouch of Levi Garret.